

The 'Votion' Store combines shopping experience online and offline. Customers participate actively to reflect their opinions and preferences and receive discounts. All of these processes are highly flexible by crossing online and offline spheres, ensuring the quality of shopping through the body scanner technology.

My Role

UX / UI / Architecture/ Interior / Product Design


User Research, Concept Development (UX / Architecture / Interior / Products),  UI Responsive Design, UI Prototyping, Product Renderings


Hyun-Ah Kim, Chiara Hofmann, Fabian Gilgor, Ylva Schmidt


2017/18 Winter Semester


User Research

Interviews in Outletcity Metzingen

We visited Metzingen Outletcity, where we interviewed both visitors and sellers. We asked people how they evaluate the outlet city and if they have any wishes.

Design Concept

Participate / Experience / Fitting


Participate: The visitors involve actively to decide themselves the shopping experience from the start. They feel important and perceived, They are part of the whole and make this event 'Votion' unique. / Experience: Every visit to the store becomes an experience. If the visitor is fascinated and in a good mood, this has a positive effect on his buying behavior. Decisions are no longer just made rationally but emotionally.Fitting: The best cut is useless if it doesn't fit the customer. That's why 'Votion’ guarantee a perfect fit to visitor’s body. A selection of dresses with a guaranteed fit arouses the desire to have exactly these dresses.

IDEA - Participate

Themed World / Discounts on the Spot 


Themed World

The visitor votes in advance for upcoming theme worlds: 

_Which theme world of experience you would like to immerse yourself in during     your next visit

_Whether you are interested in certain brands that are linked to the worlds

 The theme worlds stay in the store for several weeks and can be transformed into a new one overnight

Discounts on the spot

Visitors can vote on what clothing or accessories are to be discounted within the next few hours. The voting will be held via the app or at several locations in Metzingen in order to attract visitors' attention to the store and guide them to the vote.

IDEA - Experience


Summer Mood Boards

The visitor chooses his favorite between three available worlds. If a theme world is active, the one with the fewest votes is omitted at the same time. Accordingly, two new suggestions are added each time.h time. 

IDEA - Fitting

Body Scanner


Body Scanner

The body scanner automatically connects to the app and records the visitor's exact measurements.

As soon as the visitor enters the scanner, the glass changes its opacity and becomes opaque. The scanning process takes only 6 seconds.

For this purpose, the visitor has to put on clothes that are as tight as possible to the body. If he has no suitable clothing, he can change to bodysuits provided in the scanner. After the scanning process, the measurements are available in the form of an avatar in the app.  

Process & Design

User Journey / App



The app is a central aspect of the 'Votion' Store. Visitors actively participate in the voting process or browse comfortably for new articles.

 For recognition and integration, the design is based on the online appearance of the Outletcity. The theme worlds stand out due to the colour scheme in keeping with the motto.

Popup Store

Concept Sketch


The location of ‚Votion‘ store is an example of a square with a high throughput rate. This aspect is particularly important so that the new concept quickly attracts attention and is used by many visitors. Other positioning options could include the square next to the tourist information office - as a central contact point. The store would also be strategically well positioned in the outlet extension, depending on completion.

The store can be effectively seen from the outside through panorama displays. The stopping power is enhanced by the size and animation of the current theme world. People passing by become curious and enter the store.

Touch Point

Combination of Offline & Online


Touch Point

The touch points are the central control element of the store. Visitors can recognize unoccupied touch points by the light on the outer edge. When the customer approaches, the app connects automatically via Beacon-technology and the visitor is welcomed personally.

New customers can use an example avatar to test out the functionalities and their excitement grows.

The avatar is used to try on and buy clothing with a guaranteed fit. If the visitor leaves the Touch-Point, he is automatically logged out.


Connected Paper

The visitor does not take the goods directly with him but receives them by delivery service. After Purchasing, they receive a personalized Connected Paper as a valuable giveaway after the purchase.

The order status and the discount voucher for the next order are transferred directly to the smartphone by the Connected Paper.

Avatar & Virtual Mirror

The avatar can also be transferred to the virtual mirror to try on clothes in real size. A camera tracks movements and facial expressions and simulates a real fitting in front of the mirror. 

The virtual mirrors are colourfast so that the display corresponds to the real colours of the clothing and the return rate is reduced.

Touch Points in the Outletcity

Touch points especially suitable for outdoor use are set up in the Outletcity.

They draw attention to the 'Votion' Store and allow visitors to participate in the voting and display additional offers relating to Outletcity.

Design Management

Human-resource Plan / Business Model Canvas / 1 Year Strategy / Key Performance Indicotors (KPIs)


Human-resource Plan

Your visit to the store will be enhanced by a sophisticated Planning and charming employees to the experience.

In the store, there are young, motivated employees with an affinity for technology who stand by our customers.

In addition, there are brand ambassadors who are won through social media challenges. They love certain brands and therefore represent them out of conviction and passion.

More Projects

Made for MeUX / UI


VotionProject type

FSKOREAProject type

LiebherrUX / Product Design

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